
Complete Adsense Website

Complete Adsense Website with 200+ articles, glossary, and link page.

250x250 adsense block top right

336x280 adsense block top left of content

Also included at the bottom is a space for a 468x60 banner or adsense block.

Meta-tags, Title, H1, H2, and file names are all optimized for each article focused on popular legal topics.

Personal Injury, accident attorney, etc.., are some of the highest paying keywords for adsense.

Just insert your adsense publisher id, update a few links, and you're done!

I typically see people selling these kinds of websites on ebay for $30.

This is not a cookie cutter plain jane adsense site.

It has nice graphics that I made in fireworks and with royalty free clipart. Register free with sxc.hu to get the license for the clipart.

Site was made in dreamweaver, so if you have dreamwever mx or higher, you can use the template feature directly. Otherwise, any html editor that can do global find and replace will do fine.


Find and Replace Keys:

* google_ad_client = "pub-your-id";
* Your Website Title Here



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