
View posts since last visit | View your posts Mark all forums read MagicTweak v4.11-CORE**MOST POWERFUL TWEAKER!**NeW**N**HOT**

MagicTweak is a special program designed to optimize and
personalize Microsoft Windows

This unique software makes it easy to tweak hundreds of hidden
settings in Windows XP/2000/Me/98, so there is no longer any need
to dig through the registry looking for that specific setting
(from Start Menu,Desktop,IE skin,System Icon to System Security)
that just doesnt seem to be there. With the ability to customize
almost any aspect of Windows, you can become a Windows expert
almost instantly!

Feature highlights include:
The ability to tweak almost any aspect of Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000/Me/98.
A user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use MagicTweak.
Optimize your internet connection speed.
Expand the functionality of Internet Explorer.
Enable several hidden performance options of Windows.
Customize your Windows look.
Disallow specific applications from running.
Hide items from Startmenu->Programs/Favorites/Desktop/Quick Launch Bar/Context Menu.
Includes multi-language support.

Install Notes:

Unpack and install
Use CORE keygen and register!


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