
Adobe Photoshop Cs2 9.0 Final + Keygen & Acitvater

The professional standard in desktop digital imaging Adobe® Photoshop® CS2 software, the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented adaptability lets you custom-fit Photoshop to the way you work. And with more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.

System requirements

* Intel® Xeon™, Xeon Dual, Intel Centrino™, or Pentium® III or 4 processor
* Microsoft® Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 4, or Windows XP with Service Pack 1 or 2
* 320MB of RAM (384MB recommended)
* 650MB of available hard-disk space
* 1,024x768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video card
* CD-ROM drive
* Internet or phone connection required for product activation


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