Portable PowerDVD Deluxe
Supporting a complete range of video formats including MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) and audio technologies DTS 96/24, Dolby Digital EX, PowerDVD enhances your movie experience outdoors with flexible mobile features such as the new 'See-It-All ' feature that speeds up and completes movie playback before battery power runs out along with a built-in pack for saving essential battery power. PowerDVD also offers five viewing modes: Dock--resizes panel and fits to bottom of screen; Taskbar--allows access to controls via icon on taskbar; Mini--space-saving design for essential disc control, Full screen--expands viewing mode; and Control panel--translucent floating panel.
* Though it's portable, you can download and use different skins for PowerDVD. If you do that by using Configuration> User Interface - 'Download', program configures new skin automatically and you can use it directly. If you want to integrate an external skin, it will be sufficient to copy your skin's skinname.dll file to PD>Skins folder. But of course, it has to be compatible with this version.
* If you think to use PowerDVD in only your favorite language it's possible to delete all other language folders to gain place. For example if you will use program in English, you can delete all other subfolders of PD>Language folder ('Chs', 'Cht', 'Deu', 'Fra',.....) except 'Enu' folder. But, be sure that you had set PowerDVD to be opened in your favourite language. Otherwise, program will give '...eu.dll couldn't be installed' error.

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