
One-click Ringtone Converter 1.4 NEW!

Convert any of your audio files to compact-sized WAV, MP3, MMF, AMR and QCP ringtones for your mobile phone with this no-frills conversion program.

All you need to do is to select audio files directly in “My computer” or Windows Explorer and right-click once to convert them to polyphonic ringtones. You can select entire file or any part of it to convert.

For multiple files selection you can set how many seconds of original file you want to convert.

Whether you convert a single audio file or create ringtones collection it never been so easy.

One-click Ringtone Converter supports WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, APE and FLAC files and can convert a single file, a part of file, group of files or entire folders with just one click.

It normalizes the volume of converted audio to produce louder ringtones, so you shouldn’t be worried about too quiet audio sources for your ringtones.

You can also send created ringtones to your phone without cables via the Internet.

Main features

Creates WAV, MP3, MMF, QCP, AMR ringtones directly from WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, FLAC files.
Completely automatic quality set that best fits mobile phones.
You can convert entire file or any part you like.
Created ringtones sound loudly because of volume normalization.
You can send ringtones to your phone without cables via the Internet.
You can select not only files but even folders to convert.


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