System Files:
1. imageres.dll(full icon store of your windows shell)
2. wmplayer.exe
3. rstrui.exe
4. notepad.exe
5. sidebar.exe
6. explorer.exe
7. regedit.exe
8. control.exe
9. cmd.exe
10. calc.exe
11. charmap.exe
12. Defrag.exe
13. DpiScaling.exe
14. FirewallControlPanel.exe
15. FirewallSettings.exe
16. fsquirt.exe
17. msconfig.exe
18. SnippingTool.exe
19. taskmgr.exe
1)I recommend you not to replace explorer.exe since it is harmful but still I have included it separately for people who want to change their explorer.
2)Please make backup of the original files before copying these.
3)Create a restore point before installing these.
4)Do this in SAFE MODE(Not compulsory,but for a safer result).
5)This is a Vista-only package.This was made using Vista Home Premium but I think it should work on the other versions.
6)Dont try this if you have upgraded to SP1.
7)Please dont copy IE if you have installed IE 8.

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