
ProSubmitter SEO (worth $1000!)

Short description: ProSubmitter helps you get your site to the TOP 3 of the search engines FAST !

Demo: http://www.professional-submitter.com/



No password, enjoy Smile

Instructions if you need them:

1) Upload all the files on the server


define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'user2');
define('DB_PASS', 'password');
define('DB_NAME', 'base2');

Go to ur Control panel on ur server and add database "anything". add a user to it

with full privileges.
change the values according to ur database, shown in the quoted text above.

note: edit only those values, no need of editing the above two ones in the config.php

then open globals.php and modify the same values.

NOW the last thing to do is run dump.sql file provided. TO do that open phymyadmin

and select ur database, then IMPORT the file " dump.sql" and run it... THEN YOU ARE GOOD TO GO.

About this entry

  1. Great explanation, thanks a lot, it worked!

  2. No its not working fault in dump.sql and same faults as in everyone else i tried to download i guess the null version is not working anywhere although its posted hundreds of places all the same not working its third i tried today i buy it instead

  3. The clown who sells this proggie did a good job of seeding the forums and blogs with a bogus version.

    To get around the error in sql you have to delete the Russian text out of the dump.sql comments.

    Still not sure if this dl works or not. Instead of buying ProSubmitter, I strongly recommend xrumer

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