I searched my name on ZabaSearch and it popped up with all of addresses that I have lived in for the last five years! That’s impressive considering I don’t actually have my own place as of yet. And that’s not it! It also gave me the year and month I was born, and my home phone number! You might find this like a breach of privacy, but all of this information is publicly available and that’s why ZabaSearch is able to bring it up.

If your name is more common than mine (Aseem), then you might have to perform an advanced search and choose a city, state, and birth year to cut down on the number of results.
And if that’s not impressive for you, then click on the Leave a Message option once you find the person you are looking for (try yourself)! I tried it out on myself just to see if I would get an email and amazingly enough I received an email two minutes later saying someone from ZabaSearch was trying to contact me! So even my email address is public information somehow and that means that even though you cannot see someone’s email address, you can definitely get in touch with them.

If you click on the Free Search Menu option underneath the search box, you will find all of the other free searches that you can perform on ZabaSearch. You can do a reverse phone number lookup, which brought up the names of all of my family members when I put in my home number. You can also search an area code, zip code, IP address and FedEx packing tracking number.
Searching an area code, for example, will give you a list of all cities in the state, their area codes, a list of zip codes, and a map of the state.

They also have a few premium services for a fee, such as search by social security number, background check, and reverse phone number search for cell phones. Overall, ZabaSearch has a lot of information on just about everyone out there! Scary or cool, not sure!
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